
0203 955 7700

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Hackney

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At Help4Addiction, we are here to ensure you receive the best addiction support in and around Hackney, London.

If you’re worried about a loved one or you’re concerned that you’ve become reliant on alcohol or drugs, you don’t have to deal with it alone.

We provide free, independent advice to help you find the best rehab facilities in your local area. If you’re based in East London, and you’re looking for drug or alcohol rehab in Hackney, we can discuss your treatment options and determine the best treatment for you.



Understanding Addiction

Addiction can be difficult to understand, especially if it’s not something you’ve experienced before. If a loved one is dealing with addiction, you wonder exactly how they got into this situation.

However, knowing about addiction is the first step towards recovery. Addictions can feel impossible to control. When you’re addicted to alcohol, for example, you can’t just tell yourself not to drink and get on with your day.

Addictions compel you to do something, even when you know that it could harm you. You’ll continue to drink even if you know that your health, your safety and your relationships with others are at risk.

The reality is that you can’t fight that compulsion alone. If you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, the most important step you can take is to acknowledge that you cannot control your behaviour and that you need help to take back control of your life.

Rehab offers you the chance to address your addiction, identify your triggers, and begin your journey to sobriety.


Personalised Support For Your Recovery

We provide personalised support and resources for addiction recovery. Take the first step towards a brighter future today.

What Causes Addiction?

There are several reasons why addictions occur, and every person has a different story. In some cases, genetics may play a role, but often, traumatic life events trigger unusual or exaggerated behaviour.

If you’ve lost somebody close to you, for example, you may feel like drugs or alcohol are the only thing you have that can numb the pain of grief and help you get through the day.

When you become addicted to substances, your body becomes more tolerant, and this means that you need more to achieve the same feeling.

You might find that a large amount of alcohol that would normally make somebody feel very drunk doesn’t touch the sides, for example.


Spotting the Signs of Alcoholism

Many of us enjoy a refreshing beer at the pub or a glass of red wine with our evening meal, but what happens when drinking becomes a compulsion?

It’s fairly common to drink more than you think, but there’s a difference between drinking too much and losing control over how much you drink.

If you exceed the recommended intake of 14 units of alcohol per week, this doesn’t mean that you’re addicted to alcohol. An addiction to drink is characterised by a constant urge to drink, which cannot be controlled or suppressed.

If you find yourself reaching for a bottle after a bad day at work, you’ve begun spending more time alone so that you can drink without other people judging you, or you’re telling lies to ensure others don’t know how much you’re drinking, these are signs of alcoholism.

It can be incredibly tough to admit that you’re addicted to alcohol. However, if you’ve got to a stage where alcohol is your main concern or your priority, we recommend that you begin an alcohol rehab programme.


When to Seek Help for Drug Addiction

Like alcohol, drugs are not solely used by drug addicts. Just because you smoke cannabis or take a pill, this doesn’t mean that you’re addicted to drugs.

Addiction occurs when you become dependent on drugs. When taking recreational drugs on a night out spirals into relying on drugs to get through the day, for example, this indicates a drug addiction.

Everyone is different, but here are some common signs of drug addiction:

  • Feeling like you need to use drugs daily or several times a day
  • Becoming withdrawn and shutting yourself away from others
  • Getting into debt or stealing to buy drugs
  • Taking more powerful drugs or feeling the need to take larger quantities of drugs
  • Taking risks, for example, driving while you’re under the influence of drugs
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking drugs
  • Trying to cut back, but failing


If you feel like these scenarios sound familiar, there is help out there for drug addiction.


The Relationship Between Addiction and Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Addiction is often linked to stress, anxiety or depression, and often, a cycle is created that is incredibly hard to break. Anxiety is a normal human emotion and a reaction we experience when we’re scared or fearful.

What isn’t normal is feeling anxious or on edge in scenarios or settings where we should feel comfortable. If you’re prone to anxiety, and you find it hard to relax and stay calm, you may find that taking drugs or having a drink makes you feel better.

The trouble is that in the long term, your body will start to rely on drugs or alcohol to cope with anxiety. If you have depression, you may identify alcohol or drugs as a solution to lift your mood or help the world seem a less daunting place.

Likewise, if you’re stressed, reaching for a can of beer might seem like the best therapy. If you’re in a cycle where you’re drinking or taking drugs to nullify the symptoms of depression or anxiety or tackle stress, this can be very dangerous, and treatment will aim to break these habits and equip you with different ways of coping.

If you suffer from depression or anxiety, treatment programmes will aim to address the underlying condition at the same time as helping you adjust to sobriety.

In most cases, medication is combined with talking therapies like counselling and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).


Getting Help for Addiction in Hackney

Sometimes, it’s very difficult to recognise that you’ve crossed a line and that you no longer have control over of how much you drink or how frequently you take drugs.

Once you have arrived at this point, it is possible to find help in Hackney. In many cases, rehab is recommended for those with an addiction to drink or drugs. Rehab comes in various forms and many alcohol and drug rehab in Hackney.

Residential rehab is an intensive form of treatment, which usually involves undergoing therapy in a secure, residential setting. You will stay at the rehab centre for a long time and you will be cared for by a team of medical professionals.

Residential rehab is usually available to private paying patients, but rehab is also available on the NHS. Places are limited and there may be a wait. Private centres may be able to offer treatment faster, and they might also offer a wider range of services.


What is a Detox?

If you’re addicted to alcohol, and you take it away, your body will react, and you will experience withdrawal symptoms.

A detox is a cleansing phase, which is designed to eliminate alcohol dependency. If you were to stop drinking all of a sudden at home, you may not be able to cope with withdrawal symptoms. This is why it’s so beneficial to undergo controlled detox.

When you’re in rehab, you’ll have a team of people looking after you while you’re experiencing withdrawal symptoms, and you’ll be given treatments like medication to reduce the severity of symptoms and make you feel more comfortable. Common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:

  • Anxiety
  • Shaky hands
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Raised blood pressure


What Are The Advantages of Going to Drug or Alcohol Rehab in Hackney?

If you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, rehab can set you on the path to recovery. The purpose of rehab is to ensure that your body is no longer dependent on alcohol or drugs, but most importantly, that your mind is able to function without the need to drink or take drugs.

Psychological therapies play a vital role in enabling you to understand why you resort to alcohol or drugs. Therapy can help you develop strategies and techniques that will help you cope if life gets tough when you leave rehab.

If you go to rehab, you’ll have the support of a professional medical team, you’ll have access to effective, tried and tested treatments, you can benefit from meeting new people, and you have the opportunity to get away and focus on yourself.

If you’re at home, there are distractions, and maybe even temptations, that won’t get in your way at rehab.

If you’re thinking about work, you’ve got a household or a family to take care of, or friends wanting to see you, this can make it difficult to concentrate on your recovery, and it may be overwhelming.


Find The Right Rehab in Hackney Today

If you need help with drug or alcohol addiction and you’re looking for advice about alcohol or drug rehab in Hackney, we’re here for you. We are rooting for your long-term recovery.

Our team of experts provide free expert advice, and we can point you in the direction of the best rehab centres in Hackney. Call us on 0203 955 7700 or request a callback online to begin your recovery journey.

Other related areas to consider for rehab

About Author

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn is a leading industry addiction expert who runs the UK’s largest addiction advisory service and is regularly featured in the national press, radio and TV. He is the founder and CEO of a drug and alcohol rehab center called Help4addiction, which was founded in 2015. He has been clean himself since 2009 and has worked in the Addiction and Rehab Industry for over a decade. Nick is dedicated to helping others recover and get treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. In 2013, he released a book ‘The Thin White’ line that is available on Amazon.

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Calls and contact requests are answered by our admissions team at Help 4 Addiction. We work with a network of addiction rehabs throughout the UK and also some internationally.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 955 7700