

Oxycodone is a type of opioid pain medication used to treat pain. Binding to your nerve receptors/ opioid receptors, oxycodone is used to treat moderate to severe pain, such as pain caused by cancer or severe injury. Oxycodone is often prescribed to cancer patients, alongside other analgesics such as morphine.

The effects of oxycodone can begin in just an hour – often, you’ll feel the pain relief in less than 30 minutes of taking the drug. The effects wear off between 4-6 hours, which is why people take oxycodone a few times a day for pain relief.

However, prolonged oxycodone use or abusing oxycodone can lead to you developing physical dependence. If you notice that you’re experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you lower your dose or stop taking oxycodone, then you may benefit from an oxycodone detox at a rehab facility.

This is something we can help with at Help4Addiction. We have helped people overcome their prescription drug addictions for years, and can help you too – by sourcing the best oxycodone detox plan for you and your circumstances.

Read on to learn more about oxycodone addiction – and more specifically, what to expect from the oxycodone detoxification process.

Oxycodone Addiction Explained

Prescription drug addiction can often be overlooked, but prescription medication can often be just as addictive as street drugs such as cocaine or heroin.

Although following your doctor’s instructions can lower the risk of addiction, it’s still possible to become physically dependent on oxycodone when you take it as prescribed.

Taking oxycodone regularly can lead to you developing a tolerance – meaning you’ll need to take more of the drug to feel the same effect.

Over time, this can lead to oxycodone addiction and dependence. Generally, addiction refers to physiological addiction, and dependence refers to physical addiction.

The signs of opioid addiction aren’t always clear – however, opioid addiction is characterised by the lack of control over taking opioids. Some people may not be aware that they are dependent on the drug until they stop taking it, or drastically lower their dose.

If you find yourself struggling to stop taking oxycodone or you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it, you’ll likely benefit from a prescription drug detox. Opioid use disorder can ruin lives; not only can drug addiction impact your physical health, but it can affect your families, relationships, and your general well-being – including your mental health.

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The Dangers Of Abusing Prescription Opioids

One of the main dangers of abusing prescription opioids is developing a physical dependence, which can be difficult to break without effective substance abuse treatment.

Prescription drug abuse can be highly dangerous. It can include taking too much of the substance (excessive prescription drug use), taking opioid medication when it’s not needed, sourcing it from anyone other than your doctor, or mixing it with other substances.

Taking too many prescription opioids, or mixing them with other alcohol or other drugs (whether it be illegal drugs or other prescription drugs) can lead to an accidental overdose. An opioid overdose can be life-threatening, so it’s important to know the signs of opioid toxicity.

Some common signs of an overdose from opioid drugs include:

If you notice these symptoms in yourself or somebody else, seek medical attention immediately as hospitalisation is usually required.

Approximately 500,000 deaths per year are caused by drug use. 70% of these deaths are attributed to opioid use, and 30% of them are caused by opioid overdose.

Opiate Withdrawal/ Opioid Withdrawal Explained

When withdrawing from opioid medication, the symptoms often depend on the type of opioid taken. For example, heroin, long-lasting prescription opioids, and short-lasting opioid medications.

There can often be complications when withdrawing from opioid medications – for example, opioid withdrawal syndrome. This is a life-threatening condition that is caused by severe opioid dependence.

Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms

If you have a physical dependence on oxycodone, you will experience symptoms of withdrawal when you stop taking it, or when you drastically lower the dose. The withdrawal process for oxycodone is not dissimilar to the withdrawal process from other opiates.

Several factors can determine how long the withdrawal symptoms will persist, and how intense they will be. For example, how long you’ve been using the drug, the dose that your body is used to, your addiction history and your medical history.

You may experience a range of physical symptoms, psychological symptoms and behavioural symptoms during opiate withdrawal. The withdrawal symptoms timeline can vary – for some people, early symptoms will only last a few days, but others may persist for weeks.

Here are some common oxycodone withdrawal signs:

Oxycodone withdrawal can be mild, moderate or severe – but the process isn’t usually life-threatening. Many people prefer to detox from oxycodone with medical supervision. Read on to learn more about oxycodone detoxification.

Book An Oxycodone Detox Today

Nobody should deal with addiction alone, which is why our friendly team of experts at Help4Addiction will be by your side. We’ll listen to your story, preferences and requirements to find the best detox treatment options for you in your local area.

Quitting opioid drugs cold turkey can be dangerous – you may experience severe withdrawal symptoms. This is why it’s best to undergo a drug detox under the supervision of medical professionals, whether it be an at-home detox or in a detox facility.

Detoxification addresses the dependence on a substance. At a detox facility, addiction specialists will help to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and may administer withdrawal symptoms medication such as Buprenorphine in severe cases.

Opioid withdrawal can be difficult alone, which is why many people detoxing from the drug will opt for a medical detox.

However, it’s important to note that detoxification alone doesn’t address the psychological and behavioural aspects of addiction. We often recommend further drug addiction treatment – therapy and secondary treatment.

Therapy, whether it be counselling, CBT/ cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy, family therapy or more, can teach you valuable coping mechanisms that can help to prevent relapse. It can also teach you more about yourself and your addiction.

Secondary treatment can streamline the transition from rehab to your everyday life, offering you ongoing support. This can be in the form of support groups, online or telephone support, or further therapy.

Contact our team today to learn more about the oxycodone rehab process, and to kickstart your recovery journey.

About Author

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn is a leading industry addiction expert who runs the UK’s largest addiction advisory service and is regularly featured in the national press, radio and TV. He is the founder and CEO of a drug and alcohol rehab center called Help4addiction, which was founded in 2015. He has been clean himself since 2009 and has worked in the Addiction and Rehab Industry for over a decade. Nick is dedicated to helping others recover and get treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. In 2013, he released a book ‘The Thin White’ line that is available on Amazon.

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