

What are 2 week rehab programs and how do they work?

Are you suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction? Are you a binge eater that needs help, or do you suffer from a behavioural addiction? Spending two weeks in rehab could be enough to break you out of your dangerous behaviour patterns.

2 week rehab and detox sessions are a great way to stop a mild addiction progressing into something more. We have explored fortnightly rehab programs in detail in this article, but don’t forget to call us on the number at the top of the page, should you need further advice.

What is a 14 Day Detox Plus Rehab Treatment Program?

A 14 day treatment program for recovery from drink or drugs allows you to spend a fortnight in either outpatient or inpatient care. This care includes things like therapy and medical supervision that aids you to quit substance abuse, one day at a time, and all while giving you the best chances of staying sober in future.

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How does it work?

When you opt for a fourteen day rehab treatment plan, you will be able to spend fourteen days receiving treatment for your addiction. Since you are treating a very mild condition in 14 days, you will be able to spend those days either as an outpatient or as an inpatient.

Rehab works by first getting you off the drugs and ensuring they are drug and alcohol free zones. Once you are clean, they will engage you in different rehab therapy types, all aimed at getting to the bottom of your addiction. Rehab also includes workshops and educational sessions, as well as relapse prevention skill development and more.

Who is the 14 Day Rehab Treatment Best for?

There are those that will benefit from a 14 day rehab program more than others. This program is ideally suited for those that have only a mild addiction or even a brewing one. If you have a heavy addiction as a frequent user then the 14 days might not be enough for you. Consider a 28 day period in rehab for best effect.

Similarly, if you have just noticed you are craving drugs or alcohol, you might find a 7 day period is enough for you to get a handle on things.

14 day rehab and detox treatments can be used as blocks of therapy for those with mental health issues, or for those who want to let the work sink in for a while in between sessions.

What Happens in a Fortnight of Rehab?

Your 2 weeks in rehab will start with a medically assisted detox period.

You might have group therapy daily to check in and bring you the peer support you have been craving. You might expect to find inpatient drug facilities near you that focus on one-to-one therapies. These centres tend to use processes like motivational interviewing or cognitive behavioural therapy to examine why you use drink or drugs and get to the bottom of how you stop using them.

You should also expect your rehab centre to have some leisure facilities – although what those are is up to you. Some recover best in a rehab clinic with a gym, some just need a library or a ping pong table. Your chosen centre may or may not offer family sessions to examine and improve your relationships. This is all true of those who go to join a 14 day rehab program for mental health issues, too. One of the best things about choosing the 14 day treatment plans is that you can take the fortnight off work or commitments as a holiday without having to deal with the stigma of taking the full month off.

Other things you might expect from rehab centres involve being supervised by a qualified medical professional. When you have an addiction to a heavy substance like Heroin, there is always a chance that your health will be adversely affected when you quit. Having that medical supervision is great for your peace of mind, while simultaneously guaranteeing your safety. In addition, those same medical staff are on hand to provide you with medicinal relief, should you need it.

Inpatient 14 Day Rehab

An inpatient centre is where you go to recover from drugs, alcohol, or from an emotional problem (inpatient treatment for borderline personality disorder in the UK is quite common). When you are treated as an inpatient, you stay in the facility for the length of time your treatment program takes.

Inpatient mental health services are often used when a patient goes into psychosis[i] and needs a little help getting back on their feet. In a similar way, those who want to learn how to stop drinking, or who want to get into drug rehab, can move into the centre for a 14 day recovery program.

Outpatient 14 Day Rehab

Outpatient rehab is often given through Dayhab centres. These are rehab clinics that allow you to come in for sessions through the day and return home at night. The outpatient option takes longer since you are not removed from your everyday life. However, not removing you from everyday life means you have less transitioning to do, to get back to your normal life. 14 day outpatient care rehab programs are best for those who have a job, young children, or who are carers themselves.

Detox as part of a 14 Day Rehab Treatment

You will receive detox help when you decide to go through rehab. A 14 day treatment means you will have around half of that time set aside to go through the initial detox period. If you don’t let all the drugs or alcohol out of your body, you won’t be able to recover. Detox is a necessary part of alcohol and drug addiction cessation.

Medically Assisted Drug or Alcohol Detox

The rehab clinic may be able to provide you with drugs to make the detox period easier. This is particularly true of drug and alcohol addictions that cause the patients to experience psychosis. Medications issued during detox might include antidepressants[ii], Acamprosate[iii], Disulfiram[iv] or benzodiazepines[v].

Going Through Withdrawal

The reason detox is so difficult is because we go through withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms differ depending on what you used and for how long. In general, they will be intense for the first seven days of treatment but will eventually taper off.

Some common drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms[vi] include:

Therapies on offer

As well as detox, your rehab clinic will put you through several therapy types to help you learn better coping strategies to stop you returning to your old ways. They might include sports and exercise, games entertainment, educational sessions, and workshops, too.

Familial Support Sessions

A favourite type of therapy during addiction recovery in a 14 day rehab program is family therapy[viii]. These sessions allow you to sit down with those that you have hurt through your addictive ways and try to make amends. These sessions are aimed at you reconnecting with those that love you, giving you the chance to save your relationships.

Group Therapy

Group therapy sessions operate on the premise that peer support is an effective tool for combating addiction[ix]. Learning from others is a great way to learn to manage your own condition. Better yet, group therapy helps you offer your support to others and provides you with a place to get some support of your own.

One-on-one Therapies

One-on-one therapies can be anything from interpersonal therapy sessions to ACT[x] sessions. Commonly, they include a psychotherapist or an alcohol counsellor. They might even see you assigned to a few sessions with a clinical psychologist.

One-on-one sessions help you to deep dive into your own psyche and unlock the reasons behind your addiction. They give you the chance to catch any undiagnosed co-occurring conditions and can improve your mindset even after you leave your 14 day rehab treatment.

Ongoing Support

For most rehab clinics, ongoing support means they will allow you to have telephone calls for a set period of time after you transition back to normal life. As well as phone support, there are rehab programs (such as the 12 steps) that encourage you to return and partake in group therapy sessions, to help other addicts to recover.

What if 14 Days of Rehab for Addiction isn’t Enough?

If 14 days of rehab isn’t enough to get a handle on your drug addiction, you can always book yourself in for more care. If this isn’t an option, then look into rehab clinics with excellent secondary treatment programs. Ongoing support is as likely to help you as the initial fortnight period is.

How Much Does 14 Days in Rehab Cost In the UK?

Rehab pricing in the UK falls into three categories. For the cheapest, NHS assisted rehab, expect to pay upwards of £1,400 per week. For Private rehab clinics, expect to pay between £4-6,000. For luxury rehab clinics prices run into the tens of thousands.

How Can I Help a Loved One with Addiction into a 14 Day Rehab Program?

It is understandable that you want to help a loved one into rehab. As difficult as it is to watch someone slide into addiction, you cannot force them to attend. You can stage an intervention, point them in our direction, and find further help for them on our pages.

Advice can be found on addicted husbands or wives, daughters, sons, friends, work colleagues, and other loved ones. There’s no need to suffer in silence when Help4Addiction is in your arsenal.

Free Consultation on 14 Day Rehab Programs

We give free consultations on addiction to help you find the best rehab clinics near you. Phone calls are risk-free and hold no obligation to the user. You do not have to commit to rehab if you do not want to go, but you can discuss your options and get some impartial advice.

Where to Get More Help Treating Addictions

Call us today to have a no-obligation chat, to get some advice on your personal relationship with addiction, or to book yourself into a rehab clinic near you. We are here to make sure you are given every opportunity to get your life back, and we are pretty determined to help you out. Lean on us a little, then get better and get back to normal. Call us today, on 0203 955 7700, if you are ready to start picking up the pieces.

About Author

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn is a leading industry addiction expert who runs the UK’s largest addiction advisory service and is regularly featured in the national press, radio and TV. He is the founder and CEO of a drug and alcohol rehab center called Help4addiction, which was founded in 2015. He has been clean himself since 2009 and has worked in the Addiction and Rehab Industry for over a decade. Nick is dedicated to helping others recover and get treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. In 2013, he released a book ‘The Thin White’ line that is available on Amazon.

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