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Tips to Cut Down on Your Drinking

Picture of Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn

Nicholas Conn is a leading industry addiction expert who runs the UK’s largest addiction advisory service and is regularly featured in the national press, radio and TV.

Tips to Cut Down on Your Drinking
Are you drinking a little more than you are comfortable with? What starts as drinking a little too much can escalate into full-blown alcohol addiction.
Here are the best tips and tricks to avoid an alcohol addiction and prevent yourself from falling foul of alcoholism.Cutting down on drinking is never an easy thing to do. This is because alcohol is addictive. It triggers our dopamine receptors, making us happy when we drink. When we couple this with a foggy ability to forget about our troubles, drinking presents an easy way to drown our sorrows for far too many people here in the UK.If you think alcohol is beginning to cloud your judgement, don’t panic just yet. We have great tips for you to avoid drinking too much in future and get you back on track.

What To Do If You Are Drinking Too Much?

If you suspect your drinking is beyond the help of a few tips on the internet, then we want you to contact us. A 7 day stay in a rehab clinic could be just enough for you to break apart the habit you are forming. Call 0203 955 7700 today to speak to one of our trusted advisors. We will ask you a series of questions designed to help find the right rehab clinic for you, and thereby give you a better chance at quitting drinking the first time around. We also sell home detox kits that can help you quit.

How To Cut Down On Drinking Alcohol?

Wondering how to stop drinking alcohol in the UK? You can start cutting down on drinking right now by using these top tips.

1 – Keep A Drinks Journal

A drinks journal is the best tool you have to keep track of exactly how many units you drink per week. As we all know, the NHS recommend 14 units and no more than that. The class you as having an alcohol problem if you drink above 14 units regularly.Drink journals are an effective tool to use before you use your detox kit. They allow you to monitor and gradually reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. They are simple to create and easier still to use. All you must do is buy yourself a diary or use an existing notebook. Every time you have a drink, Take note of that drink and how many units it is worth.The next day, when you start experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms in the UK, look back at how much you had. The next time you drink, be sure you drink slightly less than that amount. You can continue this indefinitely until you are free from alcohol or until you go to rehab for alcoholics.

2 – Consider A Detox

If you have a mild or brewing addiction, you are still in the early stages of alcoholism. At this point, it is entirely possible to detox from alcohol in just a few simple steps. Wondering how long it takes to detox from alcohol? This process depends on how long you have been an addict, and how much you drink each day. Heavier drinkers take longer to go through detox and lighter drinkers can do it in just three days.When you detox before you have an addiction, it breaks up the unhealthy habit-forming ways we are creating. This makes it easier to stop drinking on your own.

3 – Try A New Hobby

It’s easy for us to say that you should go for a walk, enjoy a computer game, or meet a friend for coffee to distract yourself from drinking. The problem is that these things are not easy. When you are in withdrawal you are grumpy and tired and you don’t want to talk to anyone. Fix this by trying a new hobby or rediscovering an old one.Can you remember what your hobbies were when you were a teenager? What were your interests? Do you still practice those hobbies? If not, there has never been a better time than when you are fighting off addiction.

4 – Consider Counselling

You don’t need to have a full-blown addiction to get help for the things that make you want to drink. In fact, you can stroll into the doctor’s office at any time and tell them you need psychological help. They will refer you to a counsellor trained to help you. In some instances, an alcohol counsellor is a good idea to dissuade you from drinking more. Counselling isn’t scary and it does help. It might be able to find the underlying cause of your drinking habit before you turn it into an addiction. Seeking Further Help for Alcohol Addiction.If you are suffering and need additional help, remember that your GP is there for you. Remember too that we offer a telephone hotline for those seeking to quit drinking. We want to hear from you even if you are just toying with the idea. We find that what starts as a niggling feeling that you should go to rehab one day becomes a fully-fledged idea – and we want to be the group you turn to when it comes. Call 0203 955 7700 today to talk to us about quitting drinking. You might just save yourself.

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Are you unsure if you can afford addiction rehabilitation? Learn how to get support from private and funded rehab options.

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Calls and contact requests are answered by our admissions team at Help 4 Addiction. We work with a network of addiction rehabs throughout the UK and also some internationally.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 955 7700